All people who’s freedom has been abused can receive our help for free however we have a right to evaluate your request and don’t get involved when you don’t meet our criteria or your request is not legal or not ethic.
For free doesn’t mean all your request can be done free of costs in all cases. In some network anonymity scenarios you should invest in your hardware/software first and then contact Zimny’s Brain. Raspberry pi should be enough for personal use.
Below you can find brief on functionality which you can achieve when you are our member.
Zimny’s Brain infrastructure has already implemented i2p/Tor bridges for access hidden networks and most common services. You don’t need any software to install on your systems or networks. You can also chose which hidden network you will use for your outgoing tunnel to public internet even per network service it’s mean you can have public internet browsing anonymized by Tor and email delivered over i2p. We are obfuscate our TOR traffic around public internet also.
Depending from your individual or your project needs we can offer top cyber industry standards in anonymization and online privacy. Because all our servers and network is encrypted and we are not storing any logs you can get back your online freedom or your project can be visible in public internet and i2p or Tor hidden networks or all of them in the same time. We can reuse your current infrastructure or hardware. We are working only on trusted OS distros ex. Debian, FreeBSD, Centos and also with our own SIEM system, sensors and security scanners, HIDS implementations and many more. We are covering also public internet domain hosting with all necessary online tools.